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Family Traditions

Family Traditions

Family traditions are normal family norms, manners, customs, and attitudes that are passed down from generation to generation. For a family to have a special atmosphere, it is necessary to establish its own traditions.All strong families had their own traditions that united them, making them strong and sturdy. It is the family that gives a sense of stability and protection from early childhood, which a person carries through life and passes from generation to generation.


Traditions are the basis of the family way of life, of a friendly strong family with a future. Therefore it is necessary to revive family traditions. It is good if all family members like them, as they are able to bring together, strengthen love, instill mutual respect and understanding. Tradition is a historically established and transmitted from generation to generation forms of activity and behavior, and their corresponding customs, rules and values.


Traditions are the factor of regulation of the life activity of people, it is the basis of upbringing of children. Upbringing of the child begins with the relationship that reigns in the family between the parents. Habits similar to those of adults, tastes, predilections, preferences are deposited in the minds of children long before the process of awareness begins. After all, the construction of children’s behavior follows the example of copying.


Children are brought up not only by parents as such, but also by the family life that develops. Families can be brought up by the personal example of the parents themselves. It is with the family that initiation to culture begins, and the child learns the basics of material and spiritual culture. In the family, human forms of behavior are formed: thinking and speech, orientation in the world of objects and relationships, moral qualities, aspirations, ideals. Family traditions are the spiritual atmosphere of the home, which consists of the daily routine, way of life, customs, and habits of the inhabitants.

The formation of traditions should begin at the very beginning of the family, when children have not yet appeared or are still young. Traditions should be simple, but in no way contrived. The happier the traditions were and more interesting to learn about the world in the parental family, the more joy the baby will have in later life. Traditions do not have to be many. They just have to be. This is the childhood of children, what they will remember it with.