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Many parents do not even realize that the model of education should depend on the type of temperament in children. Do not confuse the concept of temperament and character. Temperament – it is an innate quality, and the character is formed in interaction with the outside world. Children with different temperaments to the same situation or pattern of behavior react differently. This is especially noticeable in families where there are several children: one at the remark of mom offended and crying, the other continues to play quietly.


How to recognize the type of temperament? Pure types of nervous system almost never occur. To recognize the leading type, you need to look closely at the child and his behavior in different situations. Sanguine – there are no mood swings, high activity, quickly falls asleep and wakes up. Melancholic – fatigue, oversensitivity, and difficulty adapting to new conditions. Choleric – high emotionality, quick reactions and loud speech, anxious sleep, scattered attention. Phlegmatic – persistence, prolonged sleep, slowness, patience, low emotionality.


From sanguine parents need: to demand a task “here” and “now”, always leave the zone of growth – praise, but always say that the child Phlegmatic need to show action by example. Increase and encourage social activity. Melancholics should set simple tasks and praise for completing them. Highlight strengths and abilities in front of outsiders. You should speak quietly and calmly to cholerics, even whispering sometimes to increase their attention. Develop independence.


Modern pedagogy instructs parents: the child – is a full member of society, between children and adults should be full democracy, based on trust and agreement.