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Family Rest

Family Rest


Family vacations together are the best way to strengthen parent-child relationships.

The greatest influence on the development of a child’s personality is exerted by the family. The family is the first social environment in which a person learns basic moral values, receives primary knowledge and acquires basic skills of activity, communication and leading a healthy lifestyle. The family – a kind of pedagogical academy. Therefore, all that is not received in childhood, is filled with great difficulty, and sometimes not at all is filled. And these losses are largely a consequence of the fact that the family was not joint leisure activities.

Leisure time is part of the time outside of work, which is spent on recreation, as well as physical and spiritual development of man. Leisure time includes access to culture: reading, visiting the theater, museum, cinema, etc.), social and political activity, creativity, artistic and aesthetic amateur activities, activities with children, socializing, etc., but may also contain a passive recreation. Free time is necessary for every person. A family vacation together is an amazing opportunity for the whole family to be together, get to know each other better, and become closer. 

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